We have a saying in therapy that comes from a popular book by Dr. Bessel van der Kolk: The body keeps the score. As much as society believes mental health takes place solely in the mind, that couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, the body holds onto stress and memories, and this has led to an emerging practice: … Read More
Politics, Anxiety, And Therapy: Navigating Mental Health In Uncertain Political Climates
When Donald Trump took office for his second presidential term on January 20, he quickly got to work drafting new Executive Orders with wide-sweeping consequences and implications for his party’s future intentions. One of his earliest orders was to slash the federal government’s DEI programs, programs that were originally enacted to foster greater equality for minorities both within the federal … Read More
Emotional Intelligence In A Relationship: How to Become A Better Partner
Do you know how important it is to have emotional intelligence in a relationship? If you’ve never considered it before, picture this scenario: You come home from work tired. Your boss complained about your performance on a recent assignment, a customer yelled at you on the phone, and you had to take the long way home because of a new … Read More
Therapy for Therapists: Reasons, Rebuttals, And Resources
Believe it or not, even therapists need therapy. Sure, therapists might specialize in helping their patients work through their traumas, insecurities, and harmful memories, but even therapists have their own issues to navigate—and it’s difficult navigating those problems by yourself. That’s why we’ve always committed our therapy talents to other therapists. Sure, we work with mothers, married couples, first responders, … Read More
Therapy for Nurses: What You Should Know
Believe it or not, therapy for nurses is critical to the safety of our medical establishments. We would know. Our roots at My Wellness Center stem from our time at the MAYA Organization, a nonprofit that provides support during pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. And while we were always focused on the physical, mental, and emotional health outcomes of the mothers, … Read More
September Is Suicide Prevention Month: What Is Suicidal Ideation?
Suicide is serious. If you’re at risk of hurting yourself or attempting suicide, call 911 or the suicide lifeline at 988. September is Suicide Prevention Month—a time to acknowledge the members of our family, friends, and community who struggle with mental health and suicidal ideation. While the entire month is dedicated to suicide prevention, September 10 is World Suicide Prevention … Read More
How to Survive A Toxic Workplace: Warning Signs, Symptoms, And Therapy
Putting up with a toxic work environment is a little like holding onto a self-destructive relationship; you might not realize just how bad it is until you walk away from it. Sadly, toxic workplaces are a common experience in the United States, with 87% of workers saying they’ve experienced a toxic workplace at some point in their work life. And … Read More
The Ultimate Guide to Sexual Assault Therapy
Sexual assault is an unfathomably traumatic experience that leaves deep scars on both the body and the mind. Navigating the aftermath can feel overwhelming, but therapy offers a beacon of hope. This comprehensive guide is here to support survivors and their loved ones through this challenging journey marked by well-informed trauma therapy. Your journey toward healing starts here. Let this … Read More
Social Justice And Mental Health: How Therapy Can Help
Social justice, politics, and mental health rarely go well together. Between former presidents taking the stand in courtrooms, a constant barrage of news coverage for scandalous political tweets, and a seemingly endless parade of shootings, racially motivated crimes, abortion protests, and a variety of other serious social issues, it’s no wonder people are stressed. Many are turning to social justice … Read More
Therapy for Caregivers
At some point in your life, there’s a pretty good chance you’ll be called upon to be a caretaker for a loved one. Research shows 16% of Americans provide care to an adult with a disability or illness, and these caregivers often experience high levels of stress, depression, and anxiety. That’s why therapy for caregivers is so important. Additional research … Read More