Grief Therapy

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Grief Is Painful...

But with the right therapist, you can move beyond that pain to a future that’s once again filled with promise

Common Sources of Grief

Our patients come to us with grief from a wide variety of sources—some of which are even unexpected. Some of the most common sources of grief include:

  • The loss of a loved one, including a parent, child, or friend
  • The loss of a loved one’s identity through diseases like dementia and Alzheimer's
  • The loss of a relationship
  • The loss of a job
  • Pregnancy

No matter what you’re facing, we can help.

Common Symptoms of Grief

If you’re experiencing grief, you might feel a wide range of symptoms, including: 

  • The Kübler-Ross Stages of Grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance
  • Depression
  • Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, like avoidance, overworking, or overeating

Not all people process grief in the same way. Upbringing, personality, religion, and even culture can influence the ways we manage loss. 

Fortunately, our therapists are trained to meet you exactly where you are to provide the exact level of care you need. 

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The Kübler-Ross Stages of Grief

The Kübler-Ross stages of grief were originally developed by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross for her 1969 book, On Death And Dying. Here, she outlined the five primary stages of grief that patients commonly—but not always—experience:

  • Denial - In the Denial stage, an individual may feel numb or try to live life as if nothing has happened. 
  • Anger - In the Anger stage, an individual may feel frustrated or angry at death, the person who died, or even themselves. 
  • Bargaining - In the Bargaining stage, an individual may try to make deals with themselves or God. They may also become reflective and ask a variety of “What if…” questions surrounding the death or their relationships with the deceased. 
  • Depression - In the Depression stage, an individual feels the immense sadness that comes with losing a loved one. 
  • Acceptance - In the Acceptance stage, an individual starts to feel the depression lift and a growing acceptance around their loss. 

No matter what you’re currently experiencing, our grief therapists can help. 

Grief Therapy Strategies

We use a variety of therapeutic techniques to support our patients through grief. Some of our most commonly used strategies include:

  • EMDR - Our Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing therapy is designed to help process traumatic events, including the loss of a loved one. 
  • Client-Centered Therapy - In client-base therapy, the client decides what they want to explore in each session, giving them the freedom to discuss topics they’re most comfortable with. 
  • CBT - Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is a form of talk therapy that focuses on modifying emotions, behaviors, and thoughts through talk therapy. 
  • ACT - Acceptance and Commitment Therapy works to accept and deal with negative thoughts, feelings, symptoms, and circumstances while committing to healthy, constructive activities.
  • DBT - Dialectical Behavior Therapy is a technique commonly used for mood disorders and changing behavioral patterns. 
  • Grief Support Groups - Grief support groups connect you with individuals who are experiencing similar levels of grief to build community and learn from each other. 
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Find A Pittsburgh Grief Therapist

To connect with a Pittsburgh grief therapist, contact us. Our therapists are uniquely equipped to lend support. Some of our grief specialists:

Need Additional Support?

Find a variety of support options through My Wellness Center.

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