Tired Of Letting Your Triggers
Limit Your Ability To Move Forward?
You are not alone.
These are words you’ve likely heard before, but you have your doubts about their meaning.
There are blanket statements people use when they believe they’re helping, like…
"It will be fine."
"Look on the bright side of things."
"Everything happens for a reason."
Or worse…Their eyes gloss over, and you feel completely unheard.
Sharing painful parts of your life with a family member, friend, or someone else you expect to listen takes a massive amount of courage. And it’s important to know that everyone handles trauma differently. But sometimes, what you feel has too much of an impact on your life. It may affect your professional aspirations, relationship with your spouse, ability to cope, family life, and so much more.
When you find yourself in this space, it’s important to hear less about not being alone, and more about finding a professional therapist familiar with trauma who can truly help.
Our Experienced Therapists in Pittsburgh Each Have Their Own Deep Understanding of Trauma, Living With Its Effects, and How to Heal.
Heal From Your Trauma Holistically
With Professional Therapy

PTSD For Veterans & Beyond



Perinatal Mood & Anxiety Disorder

Postpartum Disorder

Depression & Anxiety

Coping With Trauma

Dealing With Narcissists

Domestic & International Adoption Matters
Tomilyn Ward featured on The Trauma Therapist Podcast
Guy Macpherson interviews Tomilyn on the topic of empowering pregnant women
Could You Benefit From Methods Other Than Talk Therapy?
Talk therapy is great, but it doesn’t always give individuals the tools they need to move past what’s holding them back.
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a psychotherapy treatment that engages clients with an external stimulus while they briefly tap into their distressing memories. Lateral eye movement, audio, and hand-tapping are most practiced during therapy sessions.
Immediate benefits of EMDR therapy help clients…
- Relieve stress
- Control trigger responses
- Diminish negative thoughts
- Think of solutions to move forward
How We Make A Difference With EMDR

Tomilyn (“Tomi”) Ward, LPC, MPC, Founder, My Wellness Center
Founded by Tomilyn (“Tomi”) Ward, LPC, MPC, My Wellness Center offers counseling for families and individuals in Pittsburgh looking to heal from past events and alter their mindset to cope with triggers. Specifically, we offer therapy to those who are struggling with life’s milestones like pregnancy, and adoption, veterans with PTSD, and young adults struggling to identify with their sexuality.
We believe in EMDR therapy to assist clients with processing, and adapting their learning to eliminate emotional distress and develop their rational cognitive insights.
If you’re seeking counseling in Pittsburgh, our team of experienced therapists offers their support – not just a diagnosis.
It’s your journey. Let’s take it together.
Your Progress is Our Purpose
Heal From Past Experiences
Change Your Perspective
Be Heard
Find A Genuine Connection
Align Your Body & Mind
Feel Truly Supported
Finally Set Boundaries
Move Forward With Your Life
How It Works
Step 1
Schedule a consultation with your insurance information on hand.
Step 2
Step 3
We Accept the Following Insurance

A Word From Our Team Member
“Everyone wants to hold the baby, who wants to hold the mum?”
- Angela
Other Tools
Industry insights and resources.
Open internship, part-time, and full-time roles with My Wellness Center.
Ready to Move Forward?
Take control with help from experienced therapists in Pittsburgh.